Mineral Blue

Safe Work System

Request a free trial and protect your people with our innovative cloud-based safe work system.

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Mineral Blue

What are the benefits?

The keynote of Mineral Blue is simplicity. We streamline safety processes using the Internet and mobile devices. By reducing administration time, we empower managers to provide a safer workplace.
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Project Management
isCompliant integration provides easy access to management processes built on the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management standards.
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The Bottom Line
Mineral Blue isn't about the Internet. It's not about permits. It's about saving you money, while making your workforce safer.

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Our customers

Proven real-world results

Learn how we've already made significant cost and time savings for the businesses and organisations who have chosen Mineral Blue.

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Transforming hand-written permitry procedures into a cloud-based Safe System of Work
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Mineral Blue

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Amount saved for businesses
Hours saved for businesses
Permits issued
Mineral Blue

End permit queues

We recently surveyed oil & gas and mining project managers, who estimated that 1% to 10% project costs were incurred by permit-related downtime alone.

Mineral Blue deploys permits, risk assessments and other documents instantly to mobile devices.
Permits are fully electronic by default. If you want to use your own permits, then we can extend the system to include them, to provide a semi-bespoke or completely bespoke solution.
Permit forms are interactive, meaning supervisors can control tasks, and workers can sign on and off using their mobile devices.
Increased productivity
Permits issued so far

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